Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hi everyone! 
  I am not the best speller which is why I normally vlog instead of writing in a blog.
But I had to start one. You see one of my favorite authors is holding a contest to be in her next book. She has two series of paranormal romance novels out and they are great i love her writing and there is   a character for everyone and anyone to relate to. But i got more points if i mentioned her in my blog so i started one but I'm also gonna keep up with it just like i do on my vlog channel on youtube. which is a comedy / sex blog where i answer questions about sex with no judgement to help your sex life be the best it can be. I always tell people to keep on chasing your dreams never give up which is where i got the name for my blog. i try to catch my dreams 365 days a year because reaching your dreams and goals is the best feeling in the world so i hope by starting ths blog i get the chance to reach my dream of becoming a character in h.p.mallorys next dulcie Oniell book Malice In Wonderland! i will put a link up for my youtube channel below follow me on her subcribe to my vlog channel and you can follow my new twitter account as well.
and remember always keep on chasing your dreams
cause you never now when you will catch that dream 

my vlog channel
my twitter
h.p.mallorys twitter
h.p. mallorys website